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Some good thoughts. Added to these, of course, are the things that a mission organization of any age should be like - commitment to God's Word and leading and things like that. But then--- maybe these three things are rather ageless too. Some organizations may have started this way, and lost their way over time.


Well said Greg. I appreciate your efforts here to describe what is, in my view, yet to be often witnessed, but will surely emerge. The more interaction that I accumulate with missions organizations, the more I know that we can and must go higher. We must not let self perpetuation displace the original purpose that was entrusted by the Lord. We must realize that not all organizations should be perpetual.

While nearly all change has an accompanying threat, we have to learn to entrust ourselves to the future the Lord has prepared, even before we know what it will look like! Lord help us all.


Thanks for the challenging post. Looking for more info on open-source CRM software I came across your opinion on 21st century mission organizations. I was really excited because I see so much of what you said reflected in the missions organization (WEC International) that we became part of... "others-serving, flexible, decentralized, open source, and interdependent. Since we decided not make an y appeal for funds we took of all pressure to ask for money. We trust in God to provide and therefore prayer is another important factor. It is encouraging to see how God has provided within the various fields of the organization and personally we've seen His provisions in all the years that we've served abroad and now back in the Netherlands. He is faithful!

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