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Thanks for the posts on the flu's affect on Mexican culture. My wife and I are planning to move down to work at an orphanage in Magdalena, Sonora, MX in September and it's great to hear what's really going on.


So, Greg, are you the artist who put the face mask on the billete??


Not for me - I just feel like I'm sealing in the germs and carbon dioxide. Let me BREATH!


Maybe, since you've donned the masks, believers can greet one another with a holy (not infective) kiss.
The 20-peso note is very funny.


Linda: I wasn't the one who photo-shopped the 20 peso note but it was very well-done by whoever did it!

Daniel: That's really cool. Keep us posted on what's going on with you guys. Dios les bendiga!

Jim: I hate those masks & only wear them for photo-ops but DON'T TELL my mom!!!

Carey: I prefer holy eskimo kisses!


The home loans seem to be very useful for people, which would like to ground their own company. As a fact, that is easy to get a bank loan.

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