The December issue of Playboy magazine in Mexico depicts a semi-clad woman posing in a veil with a stained glass window behind her. The cover's title reads: Te Adoramos, María (we adore you, Mary) and this has understandably caused an outrage with the Roman Catholic church who have asked the magazine to retract the December issue. The image is clearly depicting the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexico's most popular religious and cultural image - whose festival day is December 12. Imagine if Playboy did something like that with ummmmm, say, Mohammad's daughter Fatimah...?? Imagine the absolute uproar of violence and mayhem that would erupt (remember the furor in the Muslim world over the Danish newspaper that published a cartoon comparing Mohammad to a suicide bomber?). So how does the magazine respond? Being an offspring of the Father of Lies, the magazine denied that the image had any roots in Mary of the Virgin of Guadalupe,
but instead, the "intent was to reflect a Renaissance-like mood on the
cover." Riiiiight.....
I hope everyone who works for this magazine and those who purchase it will read this verse from the book of Psalms:"I hate the work of those who fall away" and from the book of Hebrews, 'and inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgement" What you are doing with your lives is not worth it - you are walking after emptiness and becoming empty.
Posted by: Tim | 2008.12.15 at 10:32 PM
listen, people do not have the right not to be offended. If you don't like it don't buy it. It really is that simple. People who don't respect your version of religion simply don't have to do so because you do.
Likewise you seem to have a case of fatwah envy in regards to the muslim world. Of course they would react violently, is that something to aspire to? People so overtly sensitive that any slight becomes a riot?
Have your beliefs but don't think having them somehow protects them from ridicule or mocking.
Posted by: GH | 2008.12.16 at 08:46 AM
Rest assured, there's no case of "fatwah envy" here. Would be a cool name for a band though.
Posted by: Greg and Jan | 2008.12.17 at 08:47 AM