Chairman Mao once said that
comes out of the barrel of a
G U N . . .
but isn't hope stronger than that?
Perhaps in hope this man placed the rose in
the barrel . . . so tenderly . . . and
embraced the soldier . . .
before a sudden E X P L O S IO N
put the fragile hope to the test:
And a greater man once said, And these things abide -
F A I T H . . .
H O P E . . .
but the greatest of these is love.
Greg, those photos make me so sad! Are they of betrayal and deception, or did a bystander take the lives of two who wanted to live in peace? A picture paints a thousand words, but I'm not sure which words are the actual story.
Posted by: Linda | 2008.01.11 at 05:50 AM
The photo was taken last Sunday in Baghdad by an Iraqi photographer working for Reuters. He was shooting the celebrations of the Iraqi Army Day when suddenly a suicide bomber ran into the crowd and denoted himself - killing 11 people (including the elderly man in the photos above but not the soldier the man was embracing).
The images moved me as well and got me to thinking about how, in the end through Christ, the power of LOVE will triumph over evil and violence. Though, unfortunately, many will have to pay with their lives as did this elderly gentlemen.
Posted by: Greg | 2008.01.11 at 06:18 PM