I think I have mentioned this a bit already, but do you know how happy I am to be able to grocery shop in an actual supermarket?
This picture is of one of my favorite stores, Soriana. It is a Mexican owned chain giving a lot of competition to Walmart in the area. Just the electronics and the furniture sections are comparable to Walmart, but the food part is much better than any Super-Walmart I have ever been to. I mean, the bakery is actually sinful! Rows and rows of fresh baked breads and desserts. The deli section is a full counter only for cheeses and another counter for al the deli meats. I enjoy my trips to Soriana immensely, but I haven't let the boys accompany me there yet! (too tempting for them)
Glad to see you have a good grocery shopping place to get the things you missed while you were in Nicaragua. Guess that means we won't be bringing those things down with us. Enjoy!
Posted by: Mom Millsaps | 2006.07.27 at 12:15 PM
J & G
Love the updates and new look!
Posted by: Mom | 2006.07.28 at 07:28 AM
Oh man, look at that nice and clean store!! I actually have a supermarket here I shop at too, it's sooooo nice, but certainly not as nice as a walmart competitor! Have you guys read the book Blue Like Jazz? Love to hear your opinion on it. Kiss to that cute little middle child of yours
Posted by: Gena | 2006.07.28 at 02:22 PM